Success Story of a Poor Family: The Story of Urmila Yadav
Urmila Yadav’s hard work to get a ration card changed her family’s life for the better. Her story shows other families that government help is possible with the right support.

Hello! This is the story of Urmila Yadav, who comes from a poor family. Her husband worked as a daily laborer, and their income was very low, which caused them many difficulties. After marriage, she lived with her husband and son, while her in-laws lived separately. She often faced problems related to getting ration for the family, and needed a ration card for her child's education. So, she decided to get a ration card made.
Due to poverty, they didn’t have the necessary documents. She didn’t know about the online application process. There were long lines in government offices, and corruption was another issue. These were some of the challenges she faced.
Urmila Yadav contacted the local Panchayat member of her village and got the necessary documents made. He helped her learn the online application process. The SAANS leaders helped her submit the application and assisted in dealing with the government offices. After submitting all the required documents, her ration card was finally made.
Now, Urmila Yadav gets cheap grains and other necessary items from the ration shop. Her children are receiving a good education, and their future looks bright. The ration card has improved their family’s life.
Even poor families can benefit from government schemes. Learning about the necessary documents and the online application process can lead to success. Getting help from government offices can make the process easier. Mrs. Urmila Yadav’s story inspires other poor families to take advantage of government schemes and improve their lives.